Our Services

Our Services Brain Procedures Dr.Walker specializes in the treatment of disorders of the brain and spine, including care for all aspects of spine surgery, intraoperative neuronavigation for brain tumor treatment, and minimally-invasive spine surgery. Treatments: •...

Learn To Manage Your Memory Better With These Tips

If you have to study for a test or learn a new skill, or you just want to regain your former memory power, you probably will benefit from learning about some strategies to improve your memory. This article contains several helpful tips for boosting your ability to...

Things Your Doctor Want You to Know About Stroke

You are in control. Stroke—which occurs when a blood vessel that supplies blood to the brain becomes blocked, or a blood vessel in the brain bursts—has a scary reputation. And for good reason: Stroke is the no. 5 killer of Americans and a leading cause of disability....

Boosting Your Memory: Tricks That Really Work

If you had a dollar for every time you forgot an item on your grocery list, you'd never have to worry about buying groceries again. You'd be stocked for life. That's how often people forget the little things like shopping items and phone numbers, etc....

Want Advice On Improving Memory? Follow These Tips.

Brain surgeons have discovered that we retain a memory of every sensory impression received in our lives. But as we age, we may have increasing difficulty in bringing these memories to the surface when we need them. We know the information is stored in our brain. Here...